Saturday, January 14, 2012

Don't Burst My Bubble!

Most people I am friends with, know that I have something that I call my “happy bubble”. I’ll even frequently write about it on Facebook. But, very few people understand what the happy bubble really is and where it came from. No, it’s not research-based, nor is it right for everyone. But, it works for me and I thought I’d share.

So, where did the happy bubble originate? Well, remember when you were a kid and there were those mean, nasty bully kids that occasionally would be a complete a$ to you, just because they could? Well, they eventually grow up to be mean, nasty, depressed adults. You know who they are. They are the people that I like to call “Black Holes”. They just suck the life, energy, and happiness out of a room. They have this feeling about them that just spews negativity. If you hang around with these people long enough, it’s very hard not to be affected by them. Hence, the happy bubble was born!

This is how the happy bubble works (it’s quite complicated, so please pay close attention): Imagine yourself inside a clear, large, indestructible bubble. Any negativity, rude comments, depressive ideas, stressful assignments, argument-causing words, etc will “bounce” right off of your bubble and right back onto that negative person that they came from. Remember that response you gave as a kid when someone called you a name? “I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!” It’s just like that, except a grown-up version.

It is extremely easy to get caught up in other people and the drama that comes with them. People that are miserable with their own lives just love to make others miserable, too. It’s like they can’t stand to see other people happy! I encourage you to create your happy bubble one day and see how it goes. It might seem dumb, but it’s really worked for me. Try it, you might surprise yourself with the best-feeling day you’ve had in a very long time!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Not as strange as it sounds...

I have been wanting to create a blog for a while now. I just kept putting it off because I didn't think anyone would follow, be interested, have time to read it, etc... But, I finally just jumped into the blogging world tonight. One of the toughest parts of creating a blog? Coming up with the damn title!! I was completely stuck because I wanted to think of something unique, yet witty.

My daughters went out to play in the snow, so I took advantage of that time to clean up the cracker explosion that they left in the living room (while Daddy was "supervising"). I love to vacuum. In fact, I probably vacuum every single day. I get such satisfaction out of having a clean rug (yes, I'm easy to please). In fact, I'm pretty much a freak about clean floors- they just make me feel better. Anyway, while I was vacuuming the area rug, I continued on to vacuum the wood floor in the rest of the living room and leading into the kitchen. I stopped to think to myself- "Does anyone else do this?" Your average person vacuums rugs and sweeps the kitchen floor, right? Give me a vacuum and I'll attack and suck up any surface. But, give me a broom-- and I'll give it right back to you and head off to get my vacuum. This then led me to wonder why I disliked sweeping so much.

Sweeping takes a lot of time, and I just don't have time that I want to devote to sweeping. I would rather hug my kids, color, give the hubby a smooch, fold laundry, grade papers, or just about anything. On a much bigger level, I see it like this: I am a wife, mother, and career woman; I want it all. I want to do all of it well. I only have so many hours and minutes in the day, and I want to be sure I get the absolute most out of my everyday life as I can. So, I take the easy/lazy way out and I vacuum my kitchen floor. I don't think that there is anything wrong with cutting corners and taking an easier route if it means that you will then be able to spend time enjoying and living life.

So, for me, vacuuming my kitchen floor stands for more than just a unique cleaning technique. It stands for my choice in how I live my life and allot my time. I encourage everyone out there to drop the broom (or work emails, paperwork, projects, business calls, or whatever) and pick up that vacuum so you can devote your time to what really matters. Live your life every day and be thankful for what you have. Love those around you and tell them that you love them. Love yourself. Most importantly-- LAUGH! Keep your sense of humor because it will keep you sane.