Saturday, January 14, 2012

Don't Burst My Bubble!

Most people I am friends with, know that I have something that I call my “happy bubble”. I’ll even frequently write about it on Facebook. But, very few people understand what the happy bubble really is and where it came from. No, it’s not research-based, nor is it right for everyone. But, it works for me and I thought I’d share.

So, where did the happy bubble originate? Well, remember when you were a kid and there were those mean, nasty bully kids that occasionally would be a complete a$ to you, just because they could? Well, they eventually grow up to be mean, nasty, depressed adults. You know who they are. They are the people that I like to call “Black Holes”. They just suck the life, energy, and happiness out of a room. They have this feeling about them that just spews negativity. If you hang around with these people long enough, it’s very hard not to be affected by them. Hence, the happy bubble was born!

This is how the happy bubble works (it’s quite complicated, so please pay close attention): Imagine yourself inside a clear, large, indestructible bubble. Any negativity, rude comments, depressive ideas, stressful assignments, argument-causing words, etc will “bounce” right off of your bubble and right back onto that negative person that they came from. Remember that response you gave as a kid when someone called you a name? “I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!” It’s just like that, except a grown-up version.

It is extremely easy to get caught up in other people and the drama that comes with them. People that are miserable with their own lives just love to make others miserable, too. It’s like they can’t stand to see other people happy! I encourage you to create your happy bubble one day and see how it goes. It might seem dumb, but it’s really worked for me. Try it, you might surprise yourself with the best-feeling day you’ve had in a very long time!

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